ADVANCE REGISTRATION – Tenshin Meditation Seminar with Aoki sensei July 6-7 2008

From Ula Chambers:

Dear Shintaido Friends in USA and Australia,

I have pleasure in sending you an update on the Tenshin seminar and reminding you that advance registration for the Shinatido Festival is now open. The first early, early bird deadline for the cheapest registration price of Euro 160 (TENSHIN SEMINAR ONLY) is end of January 2008. Please distribute this information to all your students, including beginning practitioners of Shintaido who are especially welcome at the Tenshin Seminar.

  • A registration by 31st of January with a non refundable deposit of Euro 100 will secure the cheapest rate you pay. The balance of payment is not then due until June 15 08.
  • The Tenshin Seminar is part of the Shintaido Festival, and is open for anyone to attend regardless of experience. No memberships or affiliations are required. This is an excellent opportunity for people to study directly with Aoki sensei a meditation programme developed over decades of research and development.
  • There will be translation during the keiko and the evening lecture into English and other languages.
  • It is a chance for people to meet and network with a range of international Shintaido practitioners in a relaxed atmosphere and a in a wonderful venue in the Italian Lake area.
  • For a small additional cost of Euro 80, registrants can also take part in the last plenary (Joint) keiko of the preceding event – the Shintaido Forum, as well as watching the Forum examinations. (ni-kyu /Assistant up to Nidan/Instructor level)
  • Of course if you plan to attend the other events during the Shintaido Festival (the International Instructor Conference or Forum), there are specially structured prices too. These and general information about the Festival can be viewed on line at

    Please bookmark this site for your reference

For FAQ plase go to the
web site,
or send me your specific questions relating to this seminar.

Looking forward to meeting you all in Italy!

warm friendship

Ula Chambers